Work Immersion Experience: From 1st Week of Work Immersion to 4th Week

Work Immersion is one of the keys to overpower uncertainties and create a new journey to recognize the true potential of every learner. The Bangkulasi Senior High School Faculty presented the Work Immersion options; the Model C and the Model D. 

    For the first week of Model D, the Work Immersion Adviser, Mrs. Maria Cristina Meduranda, disseminates the Case Study of every learner that chooses Model D as their Work Immersion activity. The learners are given an option from one (1) to nine (9) to pick a mystery Case Study for their Work Immersion. For the first week, the students first analyze their case. Analyzing is a practice to narrow down specific details. Every bit of information in the Case Study is essential that may help an individual to make amend with the possible courses of action to take to the encountered problem. 

    For the second week of Model D, the learners who chose this option may follow the required format and details provided by the Work Immersion Adviser. The details are Executive Summary, Introduction, SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis, Alternative Courses of Action, and Recommendation. The Executive Summary is a brief description of all the details of the Case Study. It also serves as the abstract of the study. The readers who may read the Executive summary of a Case Study may have an idea when they read the details. The Introduction part of the Case Study is the facts of the study. The information in the introduction is needed to know. The possible beneficiaries are the businesses that may implement the courses of action. Another is the company itself which is the subject of the Case Study. Next is the SWOT Analysis or also known as the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. In this corner, the Strengths of the company are shown. Those Strengths are what the companies rely upon that may serve as their competitive advantage. The Weaknesses are the point where the companies do not prioritize it that may allow its competitors. The third is the Opportunities. Opportunities are widely known for the business. Every part of the business field is an opportunity to expand and maximize. The Opportunities may have been the company's turning point that may lead to the abundance of the company's reputation. Lastly is the Threats. It may be the crucial part of the company that may lead to numerous unfortunate circumstances. Threats must and should be avoided to sustain and maintain the company's reputation. The Alternative Courses of Action are the actions that will be recommended that may be an appropriate plan that help the business. Lastly is the Recommendation. It is the latter part of the Case Study. The chosen recommendation will further help the company to improve and maximize its ability. Overall, the learners who will choose the Model D will narrow down their ideas and goal of the business problem. 

    For the third week of Work Immersion, the learners may analyze and research more dependable content and related literature. It may serve as proof of the Case Study alternative courses of action and recommendation. Additionally, revisions and modifications of the details are needed to take that may correspond to knowing the right content to lend and the wrong content. 

    For the last week of the Work Immersion, the learners finalized the work to commend on the things needed to accomplish. Then the learners now proceed on accomplishing the details of the presentation. For the final defense, a presentation is needed to comply with, and the details are Statement of the Problem, Facts of the Case Study, SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis, Alternative Courses of Action, and Recommendation. Those details are needed to be seen in the presentation. To carefully visualize the problem and to lend the possible solution for the Case Study. 

    All the learners who chose Model D righteously presented the things that they learn and gain. Here are their realizations and what the learners gain from the Work Immersion simulation. 

According to Ms. Lara Nicole De Paz, "Every experience I have is always part of me. Those experiences empowered me to become what I am today. Through ups and downs, it enlightens me that the path that I take is beneficial for me. I am delighted to take this journey alongside the people who support and encourage me to be more."

Per the learner's realization and gains from Work Immersion, Mr. Jaylo Flor Hidalgo stated that "I choose Model D because it is the model that is more appropriate to my skills. During the time that we are doing our case analysis, it improved my analytical skills and decision-making. It is because identifying the root problem is a crucial step in making this case study, and analytical skill, as well as good decision making, is a must to identify it. Additionally, it improved my skill in researching, because research is needed to understand the case more deeply. Overall, Model D helped me in many ways that will be very helpful for my future."

As also stated by Ms. Ericka Franzin Dugos, "Work Immersion is one of the memorandum from the Department of Education on how graduating senior high students will implement and experience the work-related environment associated with their field of specialization to enhance the student's competence amid today's situation. Model D is the other alternative that teachers offer to perform a thorough analysis with a particular case study. I've always been determined and self-dependent about finding ways to responsibly do, achieve, and comply with my duties and responsibilities. It was an exceptional experienced to discover and enhance myself in handling things on my own and developing my critical thinking in communicating ideas and storing information, specifically in writing."

As stated by Ms. Unchlet Serrano, "Every activity I pursued made my improvements; it enhanced my abilities, it urged me to explore more, to try new things, to learn from my own mistakes, and to strive to be better every single day. I was confronted with numerous obstacles that tempted me to just surrender, but I remembered, not because I'm not making progress as fast as they want, doesn't mean I'm not making progress at all. So I kept going and fought every fear I had, and whatever it's worth, at least I exerted an effort."

Mr. Kyle Alejandro also shares, "The project of DepEd - Work Immersion is indeed, enhanced our skills. As a future Accounting student, formulating a case study on my own activates and improves my analytical skills as well as my critical thinking skills for the reason that, formulating a case requires a deeper analyzation regarding the situation of the company for you to determine what was the real problem. After that, the case study allows us to provide our own recommendation as a solution for the problem that we analyzed therefore, I do deliberation of courses of actions on how to possibly avoid such thing and arrive with a sagacious recommendation."

Based on Ms. April Rivera, "For our work immersion, I chose model d because to a specific reason. And now that we already accomplished the work immersion, I learned a lot of things that relevant to my chosen career. In addition, the case that has been assign to us is about the problem of the MM Marketing company. So, It assists me to have knowledge in making a sales territory and to be a real marketing manager of the company. Therefore, the work immersion made me realize that I could be more and It improves my skills in terms of decision making and analyzing."


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